I'm really not sure how to describe my relationship with Bill Holgerson.
I'm really not sure how to describe my relationship with Bill Holgerson. I mean, I know he's my primary care physician, but I keep forgetting that and thinking he's part of my family. I'm sure he finds this incredibly annoying, although he probably wouldn't be all that surprised if my husband and I showed up at his house for Thanksgiving some year. I know I should be telling you what a superb physician he is (because he is). But he's a superb human being. Do I have to choose which I value more? I hope not. It's a killer combination. Oops, probably not the best choice of words. If you think a great doctor is someone who will save your life and care about your life (most doctors can do one and not the other, and too many can do neither), that's Bill. I adore him. Even my husband adores him. Which officially makes him a miracle worker. Bonus points: the man knows his movies!