If someone asked me to define the perfect doctor, I would respond-- Dr. Harry Kaplan.

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Herb and Marlyn
| February, 20 2014 | for Harry W. Kaplan, MD

If someone asked me to define the perfect doctor, I would respond-- Dr. Harry Kaplan. To me and my wife the hallmarks of a great doctor are his competence and his compassion in equal parts. Since Dr. Kaplan has treated my wife and I for over 20 years I think we are qualified to discuss both. During the past 20 years we have had occasion to bring numerous medical problems to Dr. Kaplan for either treatment or consultation. His recommendations have always been based on sound medical principles and always supported by any specialists we were required to consult.Of great importance to us is that Dr. Kaplan always tried to make recommendations which were consistent with our lifestyle and our desire to incorporate the best of eastern and western medicine in our health program.
Most doctors achieve at least a minimum level of competence, but what separates Dr. Kaplan from his peers is an exceptional capacity for compassion. During the last several years I have had occasion to be hospitalized twice-- once for hip replacement and once for a shoulder fracture. Complications developed with regard to the hip replacement and I was required to extend my hospital stay. To my surprise each morning at 7:00 Dr. Kaplan appeared with a big smile and an optimistic attitude. He would brief me on what was going on, what was planned, and what he was doing as far as checking with specialist, ordering tests or just keeping everyone on their toes. His optimistic presence and the feeling he gave me that he was in control gave me a tremendous emotional lift. He would also call me or my wife later in the day and give us a briefing. He didn't have to, but that is the type of doctor he is.
Recently, I fractured my shoulder which required a short hospital stay. True to form who appeared in my hospital room the next day? Dr. Kaplan. Need I say more.
Over the years, I have mentioned to my friends the kind of service we get from Dr. Kaplan, and many of them have tried to sign up with MDVIP and Dr. Kaplan. No luck, the waiting is too long. I think this more than anything else demonstrates the measure of Dr. Kaplan.
