I wouldn’t be here without you

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| January, 24 2024 | for Matthew J. McMillin, MD

Hey man, this doc! I tell you. He helped me relate to my most inner thoughts and demons. He let me know I had a reason to be where I’m at but to overcomes my position. He’s even there for me and the advice I’ve received is why I still keep moving on. You see I was about to do myself in when he told me I had the right to me mad. To be angry. After that I quit blaming myself. I dealt with the hurt and everything else life dealt me. This man always has my back.

Thanks to him, I’m still here. This man doesn’t even know it. I hid how I really was feeling. But just his words and wisdom, not to mention he actually opened up to me about similar things he’d been through.

He’s my go to. He’s a friend. He’s a person no matter what he’s been through has used it to help others.

Thank you Doc.
