I would like to thank my Doctor who allowed God to assist him.
I would like to thank my Doctor who allowed God to assist him. In 2011 I was given 4hrs to live. I have 4 holes in my right lung and some how a micro bacteria caused it. I was on a cruise ship and this bug got me. Well when I got back to the states the coughing started, in one week I lost weight, night sweats, and could not sleep in a bed, I had to sleep in a rocking chair, due to the coughing. I felt bad so I checked myself into the hospital, I though it was a heart attack, my condition got worse, a pick line was use on me, then from out of no where a blood clot, moving from my left arm, toward the heart but it didn stop there it moved to the lung with the 4 holes, already in critical intensive care, the specialist informed my wife the had to put me on ventilation, God sent in Doctor Mark Isaeff, he ask was was going on the specialist said he did not have time wait, he had only a 4 hour window, I could hear all of this still in very bad pain, there is no chart to measure it, because it was off the chart, I was panting like dog, each time I took a breath in and out it felt like someone stabbing me with a blunt knife cutting through. Doctor Isaeff told my wife and the specialist to wait, he told my wife he would take the lawsuit, he leaned against the door and yelle steroids, now!!!!! the nurse did as requested, my head fell back on my pillow, the panting stopped, pain was gone. The specialists ask how did you. Doctor Isaeff said God!, Thats why I thank God and my doctor, iam hear today, alive.