I would like to take this chance to express our thankfulness that you came into our lives.

Member First Name
| February, 27 2018 | for Karl K. Johsens, MD

Dr. Johsens:
Jackie and I would like to take this chance to express our thankfulness that you came into our lives. Your patience and excellent manner have made a positive difference in Jackie's difficult life, and have made it easier on me as well. I can attest that over the years when we have come to see you, she has almost without exception come away feeling better. I think the reason is that you are always willing to listen and actually pay attention to her concerns. MDVIP is expensive for us in retirement, but the cost is justified because of the positive results we see when we visit you. So thanks for being a great doc and a great guy as well - we surely do appreciate you and your staff for your kind and wise care.
Bob M.
