I would like to express my deep thanks and appreciation to Dr. Ahn for the knowledgeable and friendly service that she has given my wife

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| March, 14 2014 | for Yong Hui Ahn, MD

I would like to express my deep thanks and appreciation to Dr. Ahn for the knowledgeable and friendly service that she has given my wife and me over the last several years. Dr. Ahn is always willing to speak intelligently and kindly about the care that is required for the wellbeing and healthy life of me, my wife and also my elderly mother-in-law. We are all better for knowing and seeing Dr. Ahn during these last several years. Many thanks should be passed on to her for her valuable and dedicated service.

The Wellness, MDVIP, Program that I have become involved in is a fine example of the dedicated service that she gives her patients. Using the technology that is available at her office a baseline report was prepared for discussion and follow-up to help us in the task of keeping our healthy life on the right track. With Dr Ahns advice and great patient interaction it is always a pleasure to see her; this has not always been the case with previous doctors. Many thanks should be passed on to her for this out of the ordinary service.
