I wish everyone had a doctor like Dr. Book they could count on....he is priceless!!!

Member First Name
| February, 12 2014 | for Michael R. Book, MD

The pressure in my ear felt as if my brain was being sucked out....that was the first symptom....the weeks and months that followed would be changing my live as I knew it...
I have always been strong, healthy and active. Being at retired RN, BSN and now an owner of a garden center, farm and nursery it was hard to believe I was having a stroke....or so it was thought.
I was out of town at our vacation home when the unthinkable happened. My first thought was an inner ear infection. I went to see Dr. Book and he asked me to walk in a straight line. I couldn't do it!!! He sent me straight to the ER for an MRI of my brain. From there the diagnoses had gone from shingles to the possibility to cerebral spinal fluid cancer. Dr. Book was on top of my team of neurologists, stroke neurologists, and infectious control docs and interns. He called me every day while I was in the step down ICU as they performed scans, bloodwork, spinal taps, etc. He knew every test and every result, EVERY step of the way and kept me informed of the results and decisions that would be made regarding my care, diagnosis, and prognosis. After months of PT would be walking and healing. Even after going back to NJ and all the doctors there, Dr. Book was involved with my doctors and progress. He was the anchor during the scariest part of my live! A constant reassuring voice I knew I could call or text any time if day or night and weekends too to ask a question or share my fears. He is not just a doctor, he is a caring, smart advocate and friend.
It has been over a year now and there was never a diagnosis to what happened to me but I am back doing what I love. Being with my 4 grandsons. Teaching them about animals, growing vegetables and the blessings of God's love and grace. I wish everyone had a doctor like Dr. Book they could count on....he is priceless!!!
