I was seeing Dr. Hochwalt prior to his joining MDVIP.

Member First Name
| February, 19 2014 | for James M. Hochwalt, MD

I was seeing Dr. Hochwalt prior to his joining MDVIP. In fact, when I met my wife, she was looking for a doctor and knew how much I liked Dr. Hochwalt, she has been a patient ever since. Dr. Jim, as we affectionately (and respectfully) refer to him, has been an excellent MD to my wife and me.
Several years ago, I had to bring my mother up to this area from Florida to care for her on short notice. She needed to have a doctor to get the care she needed. We called Dr. Hochwalt's office and left him a message. Even though he had just come back from vacation, he arranged to see Mom that same day. In fact, Dr. Hochwalt took care of my elderly Mom for over a year until she moved into a nursing facility.
My wife and I love to travel and Dr. Jim has always looked out for us and had sure we had the right shots before heading out to another great adventure. He always collaborates with our other health care providers to insure our level of care. Dr. Hochwalt has always gone above and beyond to take care of us. When Dr. Hochwalt told us he was joining MDVIP, we told him we were going with him because we knew what type of doctor he wasGREAT.
