I want you to know that the three most important men in my life are all named Charles.

Member First Name
| February, 7 2014 | for Charles F. Hasbrook, MD

Dr. Hasbrook,
I want you to know that the three most important men in my life are all named Charles. My husband, my son and my doctor of 32 years. You delivered all three of my children and took care of them until adulthood. You took care of my husband and still myself. I know I am a bit complicated in keeping healthy because of autoimmune problems, but I trust you with my life! You listen to me, ask my feelings about treatment and give honest opinion. I really believe that if I did not have you caring for my medical issues, I would be in worse shape. Chuck knows how important you are to me and realizes that you do a great job keeping me functioning. Thank you for always being there for me and really caring about me. Your the best!
