I survived cancer!!

Member First Name
| March, 12 2020 | for William Davis, MD

At 31 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and I honestly believe if it wasn’t for Dr. Davis, my tumor would’ve continued to grow unchecked. It started as a small lump and with no family history of cancer, I convinced myself it was benign. Primarily because extra dense breast tissue runs in my family (i.e. many benign lump types) and one of my sisters had told me she had several of these. Plus, I had yearly physicals, had all my immunizations (and annual flu), considered myself pretty healthy, and I had no problem heading to the doctor if I felt sick or hurt. This particular time, I noticed it several months before but didn’t think anything of it because it didn’t hurt nor show signs of a “bad lump.” Plus I was too young to have breast cancer! Or so I thought! After some time, I began to worry and figured since I was due for my annual, I’d ask him about it then. Dr. Davis has never been one to freely order extra unnecessary (expensive) tests or breeze through what you say altogether, so I knew I could trust his judgment. I’d also been going to him for years prior to this. After performing the breast exam, he told me not to worry and that it probably isn’t anything since it didn’t have the “bad characteristics” plus my medical history, but just to give us both peace of mind, he ordered an ultrasound from a specialist at another facility. The rest is history! (I’m currently 2 years with no evidence of disease). It was a long road and my oncologist told me I was lucky to have caught it this early on (I was stage II) because of it’s super high growth rate. I’d like to think Dr. Davis started me on this journey to recovery and used his amazing ability of discernment and genuine care for his patients (and this was with his hectic workload prior to MDVIP!) to ultimately take care of my health. You’re in great hands with him as your PCP!! Thank you Dr. Davis!! Happy Doctor’s Day to you!!
