I recently read the wonderful and insightful article that you wrote.

Member First Name
| March, 20 2014 | for Barry Schumer, MD

Dear Dr. Schumer,

I recently read the wonderful and insightful article that you wrote. I then realized that the National Doctors Day was approaching and I wanted to write and explain what a difference you have made in my life with such great healthcare. I did not think twice about taking the opportunity to do so.

I have been a patient of yours for over 30 years now. I have had nothing but good things to say about those 30 plus years. Last year, when I found out that you were going to become a part of the MDVIP program, I quite honestly did some serious thinking about whether I wanted to do that; however, at the same time, I could not imagine having to search for a different doctor. Because I have been a patient of yours for so long, you know everything about my history both personally and physically. A 30-year history would be virtually impossible to start over with a new doctor, so I decided to try the MDVIP program and see how it works.

I have more than made my money back already, just in the one physical that I received at your office.
It was the most thorough physical I have ever had in my entire life. There were tests done that I have never had done for anything, much less part of a general physical. I hear other people talk about the fact that their doctor seems to always be too busy to truly listen to what they are saying and they feel like it is a get them in, get them out situation. That could not be further from the truth with you.
Not only do you listen to me, but I feel as though I have an unlimited amount of time with you and never feel rushed. That is a one of a kind relationship to have with your primary care physician.
I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I made the right decision in staying with you as a patient.

Being a part of the MDVIP program has been excellent. Knowing that your doctor is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, is a very comforting feeling. I know that firsthand because I have had to call you after hours with questions. You have never made me feel that I was interrupting your time.
It is because I value your opinion so much that I have also called just to get your second opinion on certain issues concerning me. I have never been disappointed with the results.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you so much for your time, dedication, patience and help over the last 30+ years. You truly are a wonderful physician and I am blessed to call you my physician. Thank you again for all that you do.
