I made a very drastic measures to lose weight in 2001 by having gastric bypass surgery.

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| December, 6 2011 | for Russell N. Neibaur, MD

I made a very drastic measures to lose weight in 2001 by having gastric bypass surgery. My doctor had a daughter who did the very same thing so I felt a special rapport with him before MDVIP. After my surgery I was diagnosed with lung cancer and I was shuffled off to at least a dozen different doctors for various treatments and none of them were taling to each other. I was lost in a confusing time and no one to talk to. I saw Dr Neibaur about this time when he was becoming a MDVIP doctor and all I could think of was This is my answer. Since that time I survived the bypass, lung cancer and lung removal. Dr Neibaur has been able to keep me healthy by logging all my health issues. Each and every year we go through my indicators and compare them with unhealthy years to healthy years. We monitor what I am doing differently if cholesterol or blood or any levels change. I rarely have to call him because I remain healthy due to my awareness. It is very reassuring to know that when I have a test and I am waiting for results his staff calls me as soon as they have the results.Doctor Neibaur also helps when I have an issue with another doctor. For instance, I had to have a colonoscopy. I went to the doctor and explained that I am a cancer survivor and would like to be kept informed of any and everything they find. After my procedure I was told by a nurse that they found a small growth and that the doctor sent it for pathology to look at. I know it takes about 3 days for pathology to give results. A week later I was still trying to get information from this doctor. One call to Dr Neibaur and he called me with the results with in an hour. This is an invaluable service I am so thankful for. My doctor rocks and I love him for his decision to become MDVIP.
