I have had a very positive experience with Dr.DeRosa.I had not had a personal
I have had a very positive experience with Dr.DeRosa.I had not had a personal
MD for over 30 years. I had been blessed with no serious health problems
other than than the typical aches and pains that come with being 75 years old.
Was aware that I needed some medical advice that would guide me through
my (hopefully) future. A close friend recommended Dr DeRosa.My first impression was that he was a person whom I could trust to be non-threatening
and supportive.
This past year has brought me to a new level of respect for the medical professionals to whom Dr.DeRosa has referred me.They all have given me very positive advice which has lessened my fear of medical issues.
I can now live without fear that I will not be able to deal with health issues in
the coming years. I attribute this positive attitude to DrDeRosa and his caring staff.