I have been under Dr. Schiff's care for too many years to count!

Member First Name
| March, 3 2018 | for Robert L. Schiff, MD

I have been under Dr. Schiff's care for too many years to count! I have gone thru
to only vitamins to prescribtion drugs as I have aged and sometimes only to my
fault alone that it has come to this...He has even rolled his eye-balls at me for
not following Dr.'s orders!! So, along these years he has taken care of my
deceased husband and me to my greatest satisfaction. In diagnosing my husband
with pancreatic cancer till his death, I will never forget is loving compassion to us as patients but to my family as well. So, more than ,my doctors he has become a true friend looking out for my well being. In closing, I also have to
mention his great nurses and staff...,always patient, courteous and kind to this
senior citizen. Thank you ALL!!
