I have been a patient of Dr. Weiss for many years.

Member First Name
| May, 8 2013 | for William T. Weiss, MD

I have been a patient of Dr. Weiss for many years. I am presently 81 years old and at the time of this writing, feel in better health than I have for years. I attribute this fact to the excellent medical care I have received from Dr. Weiss.
I had breast cancer in 1985 with a left breast mastectomy. I had negative mammograms during the following years.
In 2001, at the time of my annual exam with Dr. Weiss, he insisted that a have an FSC, due to my previous cancer history. I had resisted doing this for several years and, when he became adamant, I did the necessary prep, although I was not having any symptoms. As he preformed the FSC, Dr. Weiss immediately identified that I had a large cancerous appearing lesion in my colon. Although he had a waiting room filled with patients, he took the time to contact my daughter and son-in-law, who came to his office. There he told them of my condition and explained his plan of treatment. He then immediately contacted a gastroenterologist, who did a full colonoscopy that afternoon, which confirmed Dr. Weiss' diagnosis. Two days later, I had a colon resection, after which the pathology report revealed a Stage IV colon cancer. I was then scheduled with West Clinic for a series of chemotherapy with Dr. Tauer, oncologist. After a few treatments, I was becoming increasingly more nauseated and subsequent radiology and boodwork testing revealed that I was cancer free. I have had subsequent colonoscopies as recommended these past 12 years and have had no further evidence of cancer. Dr. Weiss has been my constant friend and physician during all this time. I am confident that I owe my life to him and feel that without his urging, I would not be alive today. God bless him!
