I have always felt very fortunate to have Dr. Singer as my physician.

Member First Name
| August, 31 2011 | for Caren B. Singer, MD

I have always felt very fortunate to have Dr. Singer as my physician. She has always made herself available to all my medical needs. She has made a point to get to know and understand me as well as my husband and my grown children. I have trusted her diagnosis on every medical question. I am lucky to have her as my primary care Doctor.
However, it is the memory of Dr. Singer's care that she gave my father which overwhelms my gratitude. My Dad was 85 years old when he moved from NYC to live with me after his diagnosis with tonsillar cancer. I shall always be so fondly thankful to her as a physician and an outstanding person. She kindly treated Dad as though he had been her longtime patient. She grew to know him and managed his medical care as he dealt with this dreadful illness. It was Dr. Singer that made Dad comfortable and returned his dignity. She was there for me as well as his caregiver. I will always be most grateful and love her for the incredible treatment we received. I can't say enough good things about her, she is simply the best!
