I feel relieved and blessed to have him as a physician

Member First Name
| February, 27 2018 | for Kevin C Thompson, MD

When I first met Dr. Thompson years ago, he reminded me of my family physician that I had growing up - kind, approachable, caring - he had all of the time in the world for you (even when I knew he really didn't because of his busy practice). He always made me feel that I was the only patient on his mind, and was willing to talk about other aspects of my life that may be affecting my health before getting the prescription pad out. He follows up with phone calls to see how things are working. He is genuinely concerned about his patients' overall well-being. I can contact him anytime without staying up all night worrying about something. And that is why he chose to move to MDVIP - to be able to practice like this - I was actually excited when he decided to do this, and vividly remember the presentation that was given to explain the move from a mainstream medical practice to one of smaller size. I wanted to be a part of that, especially since my two children were growing older and I wanted them to be a part of that as well. Dr. Thompson is an old-school doctor that exemplifies the MDVIP values that were shared. I feel relieved and blessed to have him as a physician, especially as I carry his business card in my wallet with his cell phone number, knowing that if anything happened to me or my children, he would only be a phone call away.
