I feel lucky to have her as my doctor!

Member First Name
| February, 28 2018 | for Pamela Wang, MD

Dr. Pamela Wang just wasn't sure I had a sinus infection because some of my increasingly severe symptoms were not typical. I had completed a thorough health assessment in early December including a complete blood panel that hadn't indicated a problem however, she was concerned that a series of antibiotics hadn't resolved the issue. She kept having me take follow up tests, including a CAT scan and a carotid ultrasound, to be sure there was no underlying problem.

She finally ordered another blood panel which showed that I had a severe thyroid deficiency. Somehow, without my noticing, a new order of meds from my mail order pharmacy had failed to include my thyroid medication so I had been without it for a full 90 days.

My condition was severe and could have led to some very serious problems had it not been found when it was. Dr. Wang is a persistent detective when she's on the trail of something that doesn't make sense so I feel lucky to have her as my doctor!
