I am truly blessed to have her as my doctor/friend.

Member First Name
| February, 27 2018 | for Jennifer Walden-Fain, MD

I absolutely love Dr Waldenfain. When she 1st merged w mdvip, my family couldn't justify paying the fees. We went to another doctor. I was so frustrated with EVERYTHING. The doctor was slammed. No way she spent more than 3 minutes reviewing my file. I felt like I would get the standard answer to everything. Not really caring about me-just throwing a med out & hoping it worked.
I immediately went running back to Dr. Waldenfain with my tail tucked between my legs begging her to take me back. There is a bond that I have that is priceless. She is more than a Dr., I feel like we have bonded in a way only the mdvip experience would allow. She always available and promptly gets back to me. She knows me inside & out after years of reviewing my extensive yearly exam. She is extremely knowledgeable and explains things to me on my level...dumbs it down for me :-). I know that God placed her in my path for a reason. I am truly blessed to have her as my doctor/friend.
