I am not the kind of person who finds it easy to go to the Doctors office, never have.

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| June, 15 2012 | for Beth Chapman Hanlon MD, FACP

I am not the kind of person who finds it easy to go to the Doctors office, never have. Have had my share of doctors in the past that left you feeling like just one of many coming through the office, no real caring just going through the practice. I have had some who obviously graduated at the bottom part of their class. All of that changed when someone suggested I go see Dr Beth Hanlon. Not once have I ever felt like she was in a hurry to get to the next patient, or was just going through the motions. It is just that feeling of being so comfortable with your doctor, trusting her judgement and advice because you know she really does care, and is doing her best to get you feeling your best. My wife also sees Dr Hanlon, and I know feels the same way. I must admit I was not totally in favor of the MDVIP plan when I first heard of it, and agreed to join mainly due to not wanting to lose her as my primary care doctor. But I'm coming around to the whole concept now. Plus, when she tells me it is a good thing, I know she beleives it and so do I.
