I am Glada Smith, a MDVIP patient of Dr. Hutfless

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| March, 19 2014 | for George S. Hutfless, MD
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I am Glada Smith, a MDVIP patient of Dr. Hutfless. I have been a patient, and have known him for many years and is a great doctor. Last year I was asked to partake in MDVIP and I joined. I will say that it was the best decision I made. Dr. Hutfless already showed high standards, MDVIP raised it to the above and beyond level.
I am now able to reach him by phone and talk to him personally. I no longer have to call and leave a message and wait for a response, that always made me feel as if I am a bother. I no longer feel that way. I am now encouraged to call with any and all questions, no matter what it is. Dr. Hutfless is able to take time and talk with me about me, my health concerns and issues. Making sure I have a complete understanding of his answer and agree with my healthcare.
MDVIP has benefited me so much. When I am sick or in need of his care I can call the office. Most likely I can be seen that day. When I do see the doctor he takes the time to listen and interact and gain the entire realm of knowledge needed to diagnose and address my care. The staff is also a great asset as well. If I am ill or have a procedure they will always follow up on my health and recovery.
This is something I can say I am pleased with. I would recommend this to others if asked. This program has improved my quality of life because of their proactive approach and attentiveness. At this stage in life that is very important, so I try and maintain the best health possible and enjoy my time doing what I like to do.
