How I Achieved a Healthy Weight and Maintained It

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| January, 19 2024 | for Christine Blake Smith, DO

I knew I was a bit overweight for several years but hated the idea of dieting. Then I was given the InBody test that measured my BMI and so much more. What was key for me was the number for the Basal Metabolic Rate that showed how many calories I could ingest daily to maintain a healthy weight. When I reviewed the results with Dr. Blake, she informed me that if I stayed under that caloric intake, I would lose weight. She recommended increasing protein, reducing carbs and said “eat plenty of salads.” I followed that simple advise, started tracking my daily nutrition and made salads part of each day’s lunch and dinner. I lost 37 lbs in 9 months and didn’t struggle at all with my diet as I ate foods I liked. My weight and BMI decreased to a healthy range and today, 4 years later, I’m still maintaining my healthy weight. In fact I’m several pounds lighter. Thank you, Dr. Blake and MDVIP.
PS - I also exercise at least 4 days a week.
