Help when I needed with Dr. Daros

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| August, 10 2024 | for Antony J. Daros, DO

I just joined MDVIP, I was looking for a doctor that would listen to me and treat me not just my symptoms but find out why I had those symptoms. I don't know what you want to call it, maybe synchronicity, Dr. Daros called me the day after to introduce himself, a first for me. It just so happened I was on my way to an emergency clinic because my leg and ear were infected and so I asked by the way, do you have time maybe to see me. I was surprised when he said yes, I was so grateful that he made the time, I'm sure he heard the anxiousness in my voice. When I got there, I waited only a few minutes before the nurse called me back. Dr. Daros took an hour listening talking and educating me. Not only did I get my leg and ear treated, but the next plan is a thorough examination, which I don't think I've ever had as thorough as this one will be. It's my hope that finally I may have some direction and answers about my health and a means to get better with direction. Thank you, Dr. Daros!
