He certainly has blessed us by giving us you

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| March, 1 2018 | for Annmarie Ray, MD
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5000 characters are not enough to properly Thank Dr. Ray. My story is a bit different in that I met Dr. Ray at the absolute worst time in my life. My mother was given a death sentence and Dr. Ray got to tell me how long my mother was going to live. It was gut wrenching and a day I will never ever forget. But, Dr. Ray's honest, caring and willingness to answer questions was unforgettable also. It will be 10 years since my mother passed and about a year after she passed I became a patient of Dr. Ray. The attention to detail and her willingness to listen and take to heart every matter is such an amazing quality. MDVIP is luck to have her. Her patients are lucky to have her. Dr. Ray makes a visit to the Dr. seem like a visit with an old chum over coffee. God Bless you Dr. Ray! He certainly has blessed us by giving us you!
