HAPPY DOCTOR'S DAY, DR. DEATKINE, YOU'RE THE BEST. My MDVIP doctor's care has been the best decision I have made in my life. I truly believe that I would not be alive if I had not found him. For three years, I was unable to get a diagnosis of a major illness, of which, I was in the last stage when I saw him and I was dying. I got a tentative diagnosis first examination, pending tests later confirming his opinion. He immediately made me arrange to see an out of state specialist for four months of treatment there. A year after I had started seeing him I knew why I got no diagnosis for three years and became furious. It is my opinion that professional politics are behind it and that doctors can be discouraged from acknowledging the disease. The doctors who act on behalf of their patients' best interests can be subject to pressure not to treat it. I realized that my doctor diagnosed me, treated me and worked with the specialist, during and after my treatment out of state, while he may have experienced negative consequences. I believe that this is an absolute shame. Because of the concierge medical services provided by MDVIP; because he is not influenced by insurers; and, mostly, because of his personal integrity as a doctor, I did not die. For three years, I was shrugged off by physicians to psychiatrists and took medication, instead of antibiotics. The last psychiatrist believed me when I said, though I was aware that I was emotionally and cognitively impaired, I was not psychotic. Psychosis does not cause fevers lasting months, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, anemia or bone pain. He recommended MDVIP doctor and a few weeks after he did, that Psychiatrist tragically died. I believe I was handed off to my doctor by God (Melodramatic much? Don't care. That is how I really feel.) just prior to this man's sad death. The freedom this type of medical practice provides to my doctor, and his own decision to disregard peer pressure or liability concerns over treating me is why I am alive. He sticks with me as I struggle to recover. The cost for his services is worth every penny paid now for seven years, unlike my health insurance costing $650 a month Enhanced coverage which when it does not cover the disease I have. I went into an Internist's office with my mother and was depressed by recalling those past visits. Covering the walls were RULES! and signs of admonishment to patients, as their names were YELLED! when time for them to come back, but only four people were in the waiting room. I wanted to slap my hands over my ears. I am not accustomed to such things at my current doctor's office. His office is calm and respectful of the patient. He does whatever needs to be done to provide my care. He once drove my blood to the overnight mail carrier, himself, when it was drawn after the pickup time at his office. Then, he takes all the time with me that I want to talk in an office visit. There is much to appreciate about him, his office staff and their office protocol. I will be his patient as long as he will have me. I will also always use concierge medical services. This care has brought back to patients the truly capable doctor who is outstanding in training and experience and who can work with a multi-disciplined approach to treat the patient whom he knows the way a town doctor knows all of his patients. HAPPY DOCTOR'S DAY!! p.s. Be careful surfing and skiing because I have a serious interest in your staying safe and well. Having you as my doctor is one of my most important assets.