
Member First Name
| March, 13 2024 | for Theresa Vicroy, MD
Image provided by: Mary

The best decision I ever made was choosing Dr. Vicroy as my primary care physician. She has always been available to answer a question, minor as the question might be. The one thing I will never forget is that several years ago, actually in 2019, I developed a redness and swelling in my abdomen area. I had no idea where it came from or what it meant. I was able to get an appointment with Dr. Vicroy immediately. This happened to be the day after my husband went into home hospice care. I knew that I was so stressed about that, and thought my problem may have in some way been related to that stress. When I saw Dr. Vicroy, she looked me straight in the eye, and told me not to say no to her. That she was admitting me right then to Methodist Hospital. I didn't know what to do, but her look told me to go. Fortunately, since my husband had just come home to hospice care, we had 24 hour care for him, I went. It turned out to be a pretty serious staph infection that had to be "cleaned out" several times before it was all removed. I spent a couple of weeks in the hospital, and was very well taken care of by all staff, including Dr. Vicroy who checked on me daily. When I was finally discharged and sent home with home health care for another couple of weeks, Dr. Vicroy came to my home to check on me. Practicing medicine is more than just practicing medicine. It's about caring, and understanding that the patient is a human being. Dr. Vicroy gets that. I am blessed and so grateful to her for all that she does to keep me well. I am well now, and very actively involved in many, many volunteer ministries. Busier now than I was when I actually worked for a living, and I can thank Dr. Vicroy for keeping me on the safe track.
