Foot Surgery Successful

Member First Name
| January, 19 2024 | for Martin van Cleeff, MD

In the fall of 2021 a 50 year old ankle and foot injury from playing college soccer cam back to haunt me, although I did not know it at the time. I was having trouble with my ankle rolling and at one point I could not put any weight on my foot. I went to my doctor, Dr. Martin van Cleeff, who order an x-ray and anti-inflammatory medicine (standard first line therapy). The x-ray did not show any bone breaks or other obvious damage other than osteo-arthritis. Dr. van Cleeff checked on me for several weeks (note that I have never had a primary care physician call to see how I was doing). The problem persisted into the late fall and I went back to Dr van Cleeff, and he ordered an MRI. The MRI showed severe damage to the talus ligament, a couple of tendons and bone spur. I was immediately referred to a orthopedist who specializes in foot and ankle surgery, and within 2 weeks had outpatient surgery to repair the damage. Dr. van Cleeff was with me the whole way, with follow-up and curiosity about recovery. Because of this wonderful care I am now refereeing high school soccer again in my 70's. Thanks Martin!
