Five Alive!

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| March, 2 2018 | for Erlaine F. Bello, MD, MS, FACP

Five Alive!
Last January 2017, Dr. B told me she was training for the Honolulu Marathon to support one of her patients, who was attempting her 2nd run at it. She suggested that I try doing the marathon too. I couldnt even wrap my head around a marathon back then. Bold changes, however, require bold measures I guess. I needed to lose weight and get my lab numbers under control. A life with more medicine did not sound appealing. With Dr Bs encouragement, I stepped into the void and now have my first marathon under my belt. Ecstatic beyond words! I could have said a marathon, but I didnt. The word first is usually followed by second. So, perhaps that and good healthy conscious living is the ongoing journey of life itself to places where you have never gone before.
