Finally feeling well cared for

Member First Name
| February, 10 2024 | for Elsa L. Lerro, MD

I was not valued by my previous physician, who over the course of a 15 year relationship with me, slowly became a "one problem per visit," frazzled and burned out man. Turning 68, I had developed a myriad of interrelated problems (renal, cardiovascular, nutritional) that I needed guidance on and that did not lend themselves to a one problem per visit model.

I finally "threw in the towel" with respect to my equitability (I.e. ethical) concerns about concierge medicine, realizing that time had come to pay extra for access that met my needs.

Dr. Lerro has exceeded my expectations in this regard. I always get up-to-date, thorough, compassionate, quality and timely care in her office, and am never made to feel that I am imposing on her time, unlike with my previous physician. Furthermore MDVIP provides an array of tools and information to help me meet my health goals.

My milestones now achieved include a 12% body weight loss, optimal lipoprotein profiles, maintenance of my muscle mass, normalization of BP, and hopefully I will be also be able to reduce my atherosclerosis plaque burden going forwards, while I await specific treatment for my genetic lipoprotein disorder (increased lipoprotein a) to come to market in the next few years. All of this I would not have been able to accomplish without my partnership with Dt. Lerro and her staff.
