Enjoying being taken care of again.

Member First Name
| January, 31 2024 | for Timothy A. Janz, MD

Upon retiring, moving to Florida, and entering the Medicare machine, I encountered madness and confusion of government financed health care. In its most simple explanation, it feels like the primary goal of the physicians is to "process" you. Upon joining the MDVIP group, and specifically, Dr Janz, I was reacquainted with real care. Every time I see him, converse with him, or anyone in his office, I come away with the feeling that I am being cared for. I feel that my health issues, unique to me, are thoughtfully considered, and the solutions are discussed with a thoroughness and compassion I thought had long ago disappeared. I feel Dr. Janz knows me personally, knows my needs, and wants to help me get better. Additionally, the specialist physicians he knows and refers me to, are like minded. Its like I have entered a bubble of caring professional Doctors.
