Early one Sunday morning in 2009, due to a blood pressure issue, I fainted in my bathroom.

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| February, 13 2014 | for Charles F. Hasbrook, MD
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Early one Sunday morning in 2009, due to a blood pressure issue, I fainted in my bathroom. As I dropped like a rock, not only did I break my right ankle as I crashed on the floor, but I also caught my two front teeth on the edge of the bathroom countertop, breaking them off. (I am nothing if not thorough!) Awakened by the thud, my husband ran to me and not knowing what my injuries were, helped me to my feet, causing me to promptly fainted again. In a panic, he called an ambulance. When I arrived at the hospital, they asked me who my physician was. I assumed they would inform Dr. Hasbrook at some point in time that I was in the hospital. However, a short time later Dr. Hasbrook arrived to oversee my care personally. I was so surprised and touched that he came, interrupting his Sunday morning, to ensure that I was well looked after. The following day he arrived bright and early to look in on me. Seeing that my blood pressure was 70/40, he called for the rapid response team and then had me transferred to the ICU. I ended up being in the ICU for 3 days, having surgery to install hardware in my ankle, and then spending another 2 days in the hospital before being sent home. I was in a wheel chair for 6 weeks, and then spent 3 months in PT. As you can see from the attached photo, my husband and I have been able to resume our ballroom dancing hobby because my ankle is just fine. Dedicated health care professionals make all the difference.
