Each year brings new challenges.

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| March, 18 2020 | for Merritt W. Dunlap, MD

During most of my life I have been blessed with excellent health and the ability to pursue many activities with relative ease. After my 71st birthday, there seems to have been a shift. His annual routine medical exams are detailed, thorough, and full of understandable explanations. Any needed followup is always efficient. During the summer of 2018 both of my medial meniscus developed tears after a period of vigorous cycling. Careful exercising to strengthen the knees has let me ski vigorously and asymptomatically without surgery ... for now ... through the following two ski seasons. Continuing the moderate exercises helped make cycling western Ireland during July of 2019 a grand experience with no difficulties. In August 2019 I developed three bulging lumbar discs, the result of lifting a heavy object in my woodworking shop. Rest and minimal medications got me through initial healing until acupuncture and physical therapy was appropriate for a total recovery. Two episodes of the common cold followed through the winter 2019-2020. Recently I sustained a bladder infection while traveling abroad, which Dr. Dunlap treated by prescibing appropriate oral antibiotics within minutes of receiving my text. During each event Dr. Dunlap gave me sound advice, excellent medicine, just enough to resolve the problems, administered with a calm manner and steady hand to assure me that life as I know it is going to be OK. During the COVID-19 national health emergency he is sending each of his patients thoughtful, reliable information to help us through the event. My wife and I are so glad that we were able to find our way into Dr. Dunlap's practice. We think of him and his staff as trusted friends, not just our physician and his assistants. Every visit builds even more confidence in his care, skill, and judgment. As each year brings new health challenges, we are confident that Dr. Dunlap will guide us through the most appropriate care and be by our side each step of the way.
