Dr.Mitsopoulos has been my physician for many years now.

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| February, 23 2014 | for Spiros Mitsopoulos, MD

Dr.Mitsopoulos has been my physician for many years now. It is beyond reassuring to know that he is readily available to see me should I take ill. When I walk into his office lounge area, I feel such peace. Often I think that I'm waiting for my massage therapist, the atmosphere is that calming.

Dr. Mitsopoulos knows me well and I always feel confident in his diagnostics. He is concerned for my well-being. He takes the time to get it right the first time and I don't have to make follow up calls for issues with drug interactions.

I can see that he's happy in his work. He is a gifted doctor. This makes me happy knowing that he will remain being my doctor for many years (.God willing!).

Thank you Dr. Mitsopoulos!
