Dr Winkler's intervention saved my life and for that I will be eternally grateful.

Member First Name
| February, 27 2018 | for Steven P. Winkler, MD, FACP

One year ago after having my annual physical my Doctor Steven Winkler which included a complete panel of blood tests he noticed an abnormality in the test results. As a result he arranged for me to retake the test and the result was devastating news that I had contracted AML Leukemia. The initial prognosis and recommendation for treatment at our local hospital gave me a life ending 50-50 chance for making it through (30) days of intensive chemotherapy and after that very little hope for recovery.. Not excepting those odds we were given hope when Dr Winkler said he would look into enrolling me in a clinical trial being conducted at the highly rated research hospital City of Hope in California. Through his efforts and follow through I was able to qualify for the Trial and am now in my second year of treatment. Dr Winkler's intervention saved my life and for that I will be eternally grateful. He is a highly professional and caring physician in whom we have placed our health care needs in his capable hands.
