Dr. Walter Morris

Member First Name
| January, 20 2024 | for Walter S. Morris III MD FACP
Image provided by: Pender

At lunchtime on a Sunday, I had a troubling spike in my blood pressure. I texted Dr. Morris to see if it was convenient to talk and he responded immediately that he would call shortly. I had forgotten that his office had notified patients that he was traveling so when I texted him he was just stepping off an airplane after an all night flight and was then driving to meet his family at the coast for vacation. He called shortly and we discussed the issue and he pulled over twice on his trip to meet his family to access and review my records and advise me on my condition. The intimacy of his practice and his thorough familiarity with my medical history enabled him to assess my situation remotely that day and reassure me that it wasn't an emergency. This kind of immediate and caring response is why he's our doctor.
