Dr Walden-Fain is an amazing and extremely attentive physician.

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| February, 27 2018 | for Jennifer Walden-Fain, MD

Dr Walden-Fain is an amazing and extremely attentive physician. I can honestly say that without her quick response and diagnosis, my husband would have been headed for a heart transplant this past year. She looked into his symptoms and heard the fluid in his paracardium, while another physician before her just said it was viral and sent us on our way?

My husband was more sick than I've ever seen him and she listened, diagnosed, and as far as we are concerned, saved him. Not only did she get him to an imaging center and through ER so quickly, she came and saw us in the hospital several times for follow up after a procedure called a pericardial window. He thankfully is recovering and is now on the mend. She goes above and beyond any physician we have ever had and we are so thankful for her!! We truly feel like she's watching over our family.

Thank you Dr Walden-Fain!!
