Dr. Terry is by far the best doctor of my lifetime!

Member First Name
| February, 29 2020 | for Justin W. Terry, MD
Image provided by: Linda

From my very first visit with Dr. Terry I knew I was in good hands! He is so good at listening and researching all at the same time. I look forward to my yearly physicals! I trust my health in his hands totally. Probably one of the most amazing things - He is always available to his patients. Recently, I was out of the country - I stepped off a curb onto a cobblestone street and had a lot of pain in my foot. On a Sunday, I texted him a picture of what my foot looked like to get his suggestion as how I should treat this and he immediately texted me back, told me how to travel back the next day without doing more damage,. He sent me for an X-ray the following day and by that afternoon I was seeing one of the top Foot Specialists in town (yes my foot was broken)!
Dr. Terry also surrounds himself with good people, from his receptionists and assistants, he has created such a great team!

I would like to thank Dr. Terry for taking care of my entire family and friends!

Happy National Doctors' Day to the best doctor ever!!!!
