Dr. Spencer is one of a kind

Member First Name
| February, 22 2024 | for Steven Spencer, MD, FAAFP
Image provided by: Lynn

As I write this, I am on a private jet headed towards Kathmandu. I am leaving the jungles of Cambodia and looking forward to seeing Taj Mahal. None of this would have been possible had I not been under the care of Steven Spencer, MD, of Katy Texas. Dr. Spencer was highly recommended to me as a concierge doctor a few years ago. When I first met him, I told him I would be his easiest patient and he would never see me except for my annual wellness exam. Boy was I wrong! He noted first that I more sinus infections than I should have and referred me to an ENT physician who performed sinus surgery on me that cleared the condition up. Had Dr. Spencer not referred me, I would still be taking antibiotics every other week. He was the first to note that I wasn’t healing as I should from other surgeries: bladder lift, knee replacement — and referred me to an immunologist. I was diagnosed with a gamma globulin deficiency and prescribed infusions to strengthen my immune system. Without Dr. Spencer taking such an interest in these disparate conditions and “connecting the dots” as to what my underlying condition was, I would have not been able to go on this trip of a lifetime. He is an excellent listener and problem solver. He also has just a lot of common sense. At one time I was going to about 6 specialists and he collected everything they said and prescribed, and we came up with a game plan to keep me healthy as I went around the world. Kudos as well to his most excellent staff: Katsy, Connie, and Amy. Each time they answer the phone when I call they are so welcoming. I’m very grateful to Dr. Spencer — it’s been a wonderful experience MDVIP! 
