Dr. Smith is the most conscientious doctor I have ever had

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| March, 22 2020 | for Paul R. Smith, MD

Two summers ago, I was experiencing extreme coughing/choking and shortness of breath. At the time, major California fires were turning the local air particularly smokey. My personal doctor was treating me for bronchitis. I went to a cardiologist who checked my lungs for the 'crackling sounds' I complained about. He did not think it significant enough and said to see him in 6 months. At this point I was discouraged so I joined MDVIP. Dr. Smith checked out my lungs and ordered a chest x-ray. On a Saturday he called, telling me to go to the emergency room right away, there was a possible pulmonary embolism. I was hospitalized for a week to drain my lungs of liquid. I had congestive heart failure that eventually led to open heart surgery later that year. Dr. Smith is the most conscientious doctor I have ever had. He likely saved my life. Thank you Dr. Smith.
