Dr Singer has been my persnal Physician for aslmost as long as she has been practicing medicine and has always been a top perfomer in my book.

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| August, 31 2011 | for Caren B. Singer, MD

Dr Singer has been my persnal Physician for aslmost as long as she has been practicing medicine and has always been a top perfomer in my book. One special story Occured over ten years ago when I was on a family trip to La paz Mexico.. The night before we were supposed to leave on a five da kayak trip I had a sever attack of pain in my side back and abdomin.. The local Dr after a day of analasis and doing an Ultra Sound informed me I had Gal Stones. and he could operate right away if I wanted. Well I did not want to have surgery in Mexico so i headed home to FL. At 8 am on a Mon morning I was on Doc doorstep with my Ultra sound Pics. I said I have Gal stones and she replied Yes I/ we know It then dawned on me that my gal stones had been diagnosed years before. She then examine me and within minutes said Get this perscription ,go home and you are quarentined for tweo weeks You have Shingles and so it was..Her personal memory and professional expertise is amazing. She is MY Doctor for life..
