Dr. Scott Schaeffer - he is hands down the best

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| January, 20 2024 | for Scott J. Schaeffer, MD

It took my husband and I years to find a doctor that we liked and felt was a good fit and have been with Dr Schaeffer for 30+ years. When I could not find a pediatrician that I liked, he fit the bill for my son too! (And he worked with me and all of my quirks too.) I was reticent to spend the money to stay with Dr. Schaeffer's practice after he switched to MDVIP. But it was hard to think about finding another doctor so I decided to do it and see how the program worked. I do not regret it for a minute. It is easy to get in to see him and his staff is top notch. Dr Schaeffer is available via texting at any and all times! It seems no matter what time of day, weekends included, when I have an issue and text him, he responds quickly. It eases my mind so much to know that he is willing to be so accessible to me and his many patients. He takes the time to answer questions and discuss issues and I never feel rushed or unimportant. The feeling of being seen and heard is important and I feel it at all of my appointments. My elderly mother is a patient now too and he is great with her--and that is saying something! Can't thank him enough for being such a fun, informative and caring person. It will be a sad day when he retires...
