Dr. Schiff is the most compassionate and caring doctor I have ever known.

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| March, 10 2014 | for Robert L. Schiff, MD

Dr. Schiff is the most compassionate and caring doctor I have ever known. I haven't had it easy in life, and although blessed with relatively good health, have had many personal problems. Doctor Schiff has seen me through so much. He cares as much about my happiness and mental health as he does my physical health. It is obvious that he truly cares for his patients.

When Dr. Schiff joined the MDVIP program, I wasn't sure how I would be able to afford it. But the thought of losing him as my doctor was just too much to handle. I would pay just about anything to keep him, he is just that special.

I consider myself extremely lucky to have found Dr. Schiff. I am absolutely certain that there could be no better doctor for me, and am honored to call him my doctor.

Thank you, Dr. Schiff, for all you have ever done for me. For your patience and guidance, and for just being the most amazing physician and person. I am blessed to have you as my doctor.
