Dr Schiff is the most caring and dedicated doctor I have ever known.

Member First Name
| February, 13 2014 | for Robert L. Schiff, MD

Dr Schiff is the most caring and dedicated doctor I have ever known. He is easily accessible at all hours, including after hours by his cell phone. He takes time to listen to all my problems, mental as well. He is so easy to talk to and so very knowledgeable on any problem you present to him. Recently my diabetic son had a very bad fall and as a result, had a steph infection to a wound. Dr. Schiff wanted him to go to ER but he refused. After 10 minutes when I didn't calll him back, he called back with alternative tx. My son was later hospitalized due to Dr Schiff's urging. If not for him, I believe my son would probably have lost his leg as a result of this infection. He will always have my endearing gratitude.
