Dr Sal is the finest MD I have had the good fortune to be associated with. Caring, responsible, great deaminor, general fantastic personality and wonderful doctor. Saved my life literally.

Member First Name
| February, 8 2014 | for Salvatore A. Ciliberti, MD

Dr Sal is the finest MD I have had the good fortune to be associated with. Caring, responsible, great deaminor, general fantastic personality and wonderful doctor. Saved my life literally. Found a mole that turned out to be a melanoma on my shoulder blade. I would never have found it.,takes time and care with you individually. No hurry or hustle.Have been a patient of his for well over 10 years and I find not one negative word to come out of his mouth.So blessed to have him for my doctor.I go every 3 months for labs and report. Very positive vibes.
