Dr. Robert Schiff

Member First Name
| February, 12 2024 | for Robert L. Schiff, MD
Image provided by: Manuel

Dr. Robert Schiff has been my primary physician for almost two decades. He has provided caring, informed, knowledgeable, and empathetic attention to my routine medical health needs and, most recently to my current 6-year journey with prostate cancer. I am fortunate to have a physician who is patient, who listens to my concerns, who talks to me and not at me, who treats me with respect and respects my informed knowledge, and who is prompt, communicative and responsive to my requests for assistance and medical advice at all times. Working under his guidance, I have survived the impact of a prostatectomy and its side effects, two separate periods of multiple radiation treatments and being prescribed new FDA life-changing medications all leading to remission of prostate cancer. I am now 73 years age, and I hope to be able to move through my senior years with the medical counsel of this wise and kind gentleman. 
