Dr. Rex is not only my doctor, he is my friend!

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| February, 13 2014 | for Stephen W. Rex, MD

I was raised in the foothills of the Smokies during a time when country medicine was practiced by most everyone and Vicks and mustard plasters and poultices were much used. Visiting a bonafide Doctor was rare indeed. Enlisting in the Marine Corps for a princely sum of $ 78.00 per month, I was introduced to military medicine which was richly attuned to take two APCs and see me in a week. It was easy to understand that military medicine was focused in getting or keeping you ready for combat. Episodes in Navy hospitals too many to relate reinforced that getting you ready again for combat was prime. I first met Dr. Rex when he was knee-high to a short duck. I wondered if he was old enough to be a doctor! He immediately proved his competence. For the first time in my experience I was dealing with a doctor who was interested in me for my sake. He was personable, professional and actually listened to you. He gets to know who you are! He agrees that most ailments, left alone, will cure themselves over time. He once said, If we treat that, it will take about seven days to cure. If on the other hand we leave it alone, it will take about seven day to cure! A doctor after my own heart. Dr. Rex is not only my doctor, he is my friend!
