Dr. Poliak truly cares about me here and now as well as my future by actually taking the time to listen.

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| March, 3 2012 | for Martin Poliak, MD

Dr. Poliak truly cares about me here and now as well as my future by actually taking the time to listen. He is helping me to set goals. I am eating better, exercising, and losing much weight because of his advice and because I know that he has a vested interest in my health. I am confident that my high cholesterol and triglycerides will go down along with my weight.

Dr. Poliak spoke to me for a lengthy time, probably around an hour before my actual exam. Other doctors don't just do that; only a doctor that really cares about you. I can tell that he and his staff have big hearts and are caring people that truly want what's best for their patients.

I recently went on a 9 mile bike ride. To some people, that's easy. However, to me, it's difficult, but it was one of the most exhilarating things I've done in a while. I shared with Dr. Poliak, through your secure messaging service, how I am eating much better, losing weight, and that I went on that bike ride. He took the time out of his schedule to congratulate me! That was truly a boost to my first steps at being more proactive with my health. This is the kind of encouragement that I needed and the kind of selfless care that he and his staff provide for me. I am lucky to have him as my doctor and will continue to have him as my doctor for many years to come! Cheers to Dr. Poliak and his staff and thank you MD VIP for providing this absolutely wonderful and essential service!
