Dr. Omer has been a super doctor for me.

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| February, 28 2018 | for Jeffrey T. Omer, MD

Dr. Omer has been a super doctor for me. He always takes time to talk and explain various treatments that could help my condition. Several times we have been out of town and I have needed medications and he has always responded quickly.

One time recently I'm still in shock. A bladder infection had returned and I had went to see him to get a prescription. It was Super Bowl weekend. I was having a rough time thinking the medicine hadn't kicked in yet. Our phone rang and my husband came into the bedroom with the phone and said it was Dr. Omer. He told me the report from the lab had come back and the medicine that I had been taking wasn't going to fight the infection. So he was going to send in a new prescription to the pharmacy. Be sure to call him if it didn't seem to help. I asked my husband if he had called Dr. Omer and he said no. I still can't believe that he checked my lab return just before the Super Bowl began.
