Dr. Minsky made phone calls on my behalf to the surgeon to make sure the surgeon was evidently clear of my concerns.

Member First Name
| February, 28 2018 | for Louis R. Minsky, MD

Mothers Day 2017

My son invited me to an extreme trampoline facility for an evening of mother son bonding. After 15 minutes I noticed that all the adults were sitting along the walls watching the kids. I quickly found out why.....

My son and I were involved in a fierce game of trampoline basketball when I was double bounced causing a nasty injury. One ER visit, an operation on my knee, a second operation on my back and a high ankle sprain were the consequences of my mother son bonding experience.

My first call was to Dr. Minsky who was an integral part of this long process. Together we picked out my specialists and even discussed the hospitals where I would be having the procedures. Dr. Minsky made phone calls on my behalf to the surgeon to make sure the surgeon was evidently clear of my concerns. This added a very unique dynamic to my relationship with both Dr. Minsky and my surgeon as now I had a HIGH POWERED TEAM all working together on my behalf.

When you see several specialist and they each know you as trampoline mom....it's not what I want to be remembered as in the orthopedic community

My story is not over as I'm still in the healing process but rest assured I will no longer be the only mom jumping at an extreme trampoline facility. Dr. Minsky continues to remind me of it!
