Dr. Minsky has been our doctor for 25 years, except for a short break caused by insurance difficulties in 1994-1995.

Member First Name
Lyman & Rachel
| February, 11 2014 | for Louis R. Minsky, MD

Dr. Minsky has been our doctor for 25 years, except for a short break caused by insurance difficulties in 1994-1995. Needless to say, we tried very hard not to become ill during that gap! He is one of the rare doctors who not only cares about his patients, but also listens to what they say and what they do not say. It is such a blessing to have a doctor whose judgment we trust and who we feel has our best health interests at heart. In addition, Dr. Minsky tells us our health situations without sugar-coating the information. In other words, he tells it exactly like it is. We have had numerous episodes of head-butting on particular health issues and he has always explained his position in concise, understandable terms. Since joining MDVIP, Dr. Minsky has been a much happier practitioner and individual. This in turn helps us to be more positive and cheerful in our outlook.

In previous years, Dr. Minsky was always very thorough in our annual physical. We particularly like the annual wellness exam we have received since joining MDVIP. The new exam provides much more useful, helpful information on which we are able to act to positively influence our health outcomes.

As an added bonus, Dr. Minskys staff (Lisa, Kim, Julie, and Connie) are terrific assets for him and very conscientious when dealing with patients. Their follow-up is always quick, compassionate, and informative.

Thank you, Dr. Minsky, for all your care. Please dont EVER retire:)
